Mass transfer control and chemical control

Unlike homogeneous reactions in liquids or gases, the leaching process involves almost no exceptions involving heterogeneous reactions between one or more solutes in solution or at the solid interface. Even an apparent homogeneous reaction may actually be more In phase, some processes that are homogeneously related to the process need to be considered. The leaching reaction must go through a series of steps, one or several of which may be the step of determining the rate. These steps include: (1) the transfer of reactants in the solution to the solid-liquid interface; (2) adsorption of the reactants at the interface; (3) reaction at the surface; (4) desorption of soluble products from the interface; (5) solubility The product exits the solid-liquid interface and enters the solution, wherein steps (1) and (5) are controlled by the diffusion rate of the soluble substance in the stirring system, and steps (2), (3) and (4) can be considered as chemical reaction control. Electron transfer processes are often a rapid step in chemically controlled reactions. The rate of the entire leaching process is the slowest of the five steps, in many cases mass transfer (diffusion in a stirred system) control, sometimes chemical reaction control or mixing control.

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