Top-mounted magnetic flap level gauge use and maintenance

The top-mounted magnetic flip plate level gauge is directly installed on the top of the container, and the magnetic link is moved up and down by the floating ball to move up and down with the liquid surface (or interface). The magnetic steel in the magnetic connecting rod drives the magnetic flip by magnetic coupling principle. The plate indicator, with red and blue colors (liquid red blue), clearly and intuitively indicates the liquid level or boundary position in the process vessel, and can be remotely transmitted and automatically controlled. Mainly by the body part, local indicators, remote transmitter and upper and lower limit alarms and other components.

    The magnetic transposition level gauge guard conduit installation must be kept vertical. The connecting rod cannot be bent when installing the level gauge and must be mounted straight.

After installation of the level gauge, the magnetic column of the indicator must be guided once with the attached magnet. Make the indicator above the zero position white, the position below the position indicator red (refer to the case of empty tank, such as the existing liquid in the tank, the liquid part indicates the red, the non-liquid part indicates the white) The alarm is based on the above magnetic properties, through no touch The point alarm switch makes the switch start contact point to act according to the liquid level setting value to achieve the purpose of liquid level control. The alarm switch is installed in the required control position of the liquid level gauge, and the converter is installed in the control room. Is the use of magnetic coupling principle of work, the product made up for the glass tube level gauge can not work under high temperature and high pressure and multiple fragile defects.

Another type of installation is side-mounted. Either way, the remote transmission device can be bundled so that the liquid level gauge can display the liquid level locally and remotely monitor the liquid level. The bundled magnetic flap level gauge can be called the remote magnetic level level. meter.

Magnetic transposition level gauge as a measuring instrument, especially remote magnetic level gauge. Although the production process is very simple, but must be reviewed by the Bureau of Quality Supervision, production license quality assurance manufacturers.

Conveyor Idlers

Conveyor Idlers

Established in 1976 in China, JUXIN, are considered as the first Conveyor and components: roller, frame, pulley manufacturer in Hengshui, China. The rapid growth of the business in China soon created the need for a distribution depot, therefore in 2007 a new branch was put in place in Tianjin City The modern day JUXIN now manufactures conveyor products to suit all supplies of mining, steel plant, cement plant, quarry, crushing and screening equipment. Our expertise and knowledge allows us to deliver fully on our promises of providing quick answers to your enquiries, rapid service, high quality products and above all, we are fully committed to be the best at what we do Service Agents are also located in: UK, South Africa, Kenya, Indonesia, Thailand, Kazakhstan All products are underpinned by unmatched customer service and prompt, reliable delivery. Our internal quality systems are designed to ensure that all orders are handled quickly and are manufactured to the ultimate quality standards. Several checking processes are in place prior to orders being released from the factory. Many tightly controlled inspections occur during the production processed.

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