In carrying out international trade network marketing, if you carry out a series of network promotion work, you will continue to receive various emails. Some of these emails are the emails you are looking for. The quality of inquiries is very different. Classifying and sorting inquiries, and putting your best resources into real potential customers will greatly increase your work efficiency.
1. Looking for sellers: This type of inquirer is looking for the products (or similar products) that you provide, and they are implementing a purchasing plan. They are also rushing to complete the procurement task. The most important features of his inquiry are: clear goals (eg, name, quantity, delivery terms, etc.), comprehensive information (eg, company name, address, telephone number, fax, contact person, etc.) The problem is exhaustive. Your timely reply is undoubtedly a relief. For such inquiry, we must pay great attention to it. The timely, accurate, comprehensive, professional reply and competitive offer are the key to the conclusion of the transaction.
2. Ready to enter the market: This type of enquirer may have operational experience in his country, but he is still not familiar with your product; perhaps his client has already enquired into him; perhaps he already knows By importing the products you offer, you can get better profits... All in all, they are ready to do business with you, but many specific issues still need to be resolved. They are newbies. In this type of person's inquiry, the general information is more comprehensive (for example, company name, address, telephone, fax, contact, etc.). But you can judge from the degree of specialization of the questions you ask. Such customers are your potential customers and they need your nurturing. Patience, professional answers, and proper follow-up are conducive to continuously building his trust in you and continuously enhancing his confidence in doing business with you.
3, nothing happens: There are many online trading markets or other trading platforms, in order to facilitate user inquiries, they provide a combination of query functions. Users use this feature, as long as clicked on the product he is interested in, you can send the supplier an inquiry email in the standard format. Although this is a good idea, it also provides convenience for some people who have nothing to do with trouble. After they have chosen without difficulty, you can receive a very decent inquiry from him. At this time, you are paying close attention to the fact that the actual opponent has no interest. For such inquiries (usually in the email format to indicate what website it came from), compose a common format email that expresses your great desire to establish business relationship with him and ask them to introduce themselves more. information. Sending such e-mails to each other will filter out such people because they will not reply to you.
4. Information collection type: They are technical personnel. They are now developing or mimicking the same or similar products as yours. They need to understand the market, understand the products, and obtain more peer information. Very professional is the characteristic of this type of person's enquiry. Perhaps communicating with them one or two times, they will remit samples for purchase. However, they will never be your customers. On the contrary, they may become your competitors in their country. Responding to this kind of person's mail must grasp the professional scale, beyond the sale topic, must manage to refuse politely.
5. Ask for a sample: The goal of this group of people is to ask for free samples. Most of them are customers in less developed countries or regions. After the exchange, you will find that he is not concerned about price, quality, etc. He only cares about sending him samples. Persevering him to pay the sample fee and postage will keep him away from you.
6. Steal information type: He is your competitor, he is your enemy, they are prepared. He uses the characteristics of the Internet to dress up as foreign customers to spy on your prices, transaction terms, and other information, in order to formulate their more competitive strategy. This is the hardest reply message. He can disguise the appearance of the achievement to give you an order. You have to tell him your information. This type of person, in addition to people with Internet experience using technical means to identify, mostly through repeated exchanges, subjectively identified.
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